"Waiting on God
isn't about the suspension of meaning and purpose. It's part of the
meaning and purpose that God has brought into my life. Waiting on God
isn't to be viewed as an obstruction in the way of the plan. Waiting is an essential part of the plan.
For the child of God, waiting isn't simply about what I'll receive at
the end of my wait. No, waiting is much more purposeful, efficient, and
practical than that. Waiting is fundamentally about what I'll become as
I wait. God is using the wait to do in and through me exactly what
He's promised. Through the wait He's changing me. By means of the wait
He's altering the fabric of my thoughts and desires. Through the wait
He's causing me to see and experience new things about Him and His
kingdom. And all of this sharpens me, enabling me to be a more useful
tool in His redemptive hands" (emphasis mine). Paul Tripp
Sit and share a cup of tea with me? I made Raspberry Leaf with some Speculaas cookies. =)
It is officially autumn here in Holland. The temps have returned to the crisp upper 50's low 60's. Today the sun is shining and the trees outside the window are just starting to change color. I love the way the light comes into our living room. It is lessens throughout the day. In the morning it is vibrant and glorious. But the sun always makes me happy. =)
I can't believe that it's October already! September seems like it was just a little blip...then gone. But a lot has been going on with us, and there is a lot more to come!
My residence permit was finally approved in September!! I had scheduled an appointment with immigration to go receive a new sticker in my passport. And when I arrived the lady looked at me and said, Oh, you were approved yesterday!" I just sat there and cried, I don't think the poor lady knew what to do with me. lol. It's amazing how different you feel once you have that little card that says you really do belong somewhere. That you are allowed to be there. It's a liberating feeling for sure. Now we have sent in our application for health insurance and we are waiting to hear back from them regarding my pregnancy.
Baby clothes!! Did I mention we were having a baby in about five weeks or so?! This past weekend I decided it was finally time to do some shopping for the baby (and me!). I guess nesting finally kicked in. I always was a little bit of a procrastinator. lol. I spent Saturday buying clothes and other little things that she will need and ordered some things online for myself. I think maybe I might have gone a little overboard...but, oh, the little clothes are just too cute! I am feeling just a little bit more ready for her arrival. =) We are frequently asked if the baby room is ready, and well, not really. lol. It's a work in progress. But baby girl has food, clothes, bedding, diapers and a bath. If she comes tomorrow, I think she'll manage. ;-)
I've been mourning the loss of pumpkin. There is simply no market for pumpkin in Holland. I had high hopes that I could find a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte...but to no avail. They have introduced them this year in: England, Ireland, France, Austria and Switzerland. But they conveniently forgot Holland. I will be writing to complain. In the meantime, we have been enjoying Chocolate Covered Kruidnoten and Speculaas. In lieu of my pumpkin craving I have supplemented with these. It really is all Nate's fault that I love these things as much, if not more now, than he does. Maybe it wasn't the wisest choice I've ever made, but a pregnant woman's gotta do what a pregnant woman's gotta do. And let me just say, that if you can find them in the States. You should. I've come to the conclusion that while I miss my pumpkin spiced cookies and such, kruidnoten isn't such a bad exchange. I'm learning to be open-minded. Kind of. =)
Keeping active. It's amazing, but being pregnant, I have never felt better in my life. I feel more healthy and strong physically then I did before. And I am so thankful for that. Of course there are the days I ask myself, why in the world did I wait till I had a five pound melon in my stomach to start doing abdominal work, but...exercise works wonders that is all that I know. The downside is that I was recently diagnosed with PUPPPS. I'm one of the lucky 1% or so of women who develop this welt and hive like rash all over their body during the third trimester of pregnancy. It doesn't hurt baby and should leave when she comes, but in the meantime, I simply ITCH. But after a near perfect pregnancy, I won't be taking the time to complain. =)
Nate has been busy working at the Statistics office three days a week, teaching for one, and working at home on day five. In the evenings he is working on lesson planning or thesis. It's a grueling pace, but I couldn't be more proud of him for all that he is getting done. All of our major deadlines for the job market and thesis are right before baby girl is supposed to arrive. There will be some major celebrations when all this is over! =)
And in the midst of all of this we are thinking and planning what is coming ahead. Nate will be sending out applications in November to several universities around the globe and hopefully starting the interviewing process in January and beyond. We have no idea if anything will come of any of it, but we are looking forward with lots of anticipation of what will happen next and trusting that as we keep moving forward, we will know exactly what to do and where to go. It can be unsettling at times, but the uncertainty has always been there. And we are learning the blessings of patience. And waiting. Cause the next thing always comes right on time. And in the process, we are changing. We are learning and growing. Learning what our priorities are, how to help one another cope, how to take one day at a time together and dream really big.
It's an exciting time for us. Keep praying. And hopefully the next blog or two will be about a little baby girl that we can't wait to meet!!
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